Donations & Sponsors

As with any large group event, there are many opportunities for sponsors to elevate the magical experience with their donations.

If you are interested in contributing, you may use the Donate Now button below to donate any amount to the event, or feel free to contact the team. Our email address is:

Thank you very much for your kindness and generosity.

Donate Now

Thank You to all the MPJH Reunion Sponsors

  • Tom Corliss

  • Chris Cortazzo

  • Kirby Kotler

  • Jeanie Cooper

  • Kathy Escobar

  • Jamie Dixon

  • Lisa Olk

  • Andy & Michelle Jackson

  • Chad & Leah Faulkner

  • Cynthia Bachman Brown

  • Trancas Starbucks

  • Brian Odell

  • Dr. Gregg O'Connor of Malibu Eye Center